With Augmency’s best of breed wearable AR device “Cyclops HMD”, you can free your hands and open your eyes to live and intelligent remote assistance and training sessions. In the past, tracking field problems and troubleshooting solutions could take long periods of time and could cost companies large amount of money to transport an expert to assist to solve the problem. It is now simpler and easier with “ARA by Augmency” software solution integrated with a stand-alone device that favors field service workers, i.e. “Cyclops HMD”. laboriosam quidem aspernatur est at laborum sed blanditiis nisi, distinctio.

Especially for enterprise companies, “ARA by Augmency” connected with “Cyclops HMD” provides a total solution to the market as an all in one hardware and software solution for the above situations.

“Cyclops HMD” utilizes a heads-up display that allows for live digital information to be shown in the user’s field of view. Connected to a mobile phone and with a monocular see-through display, the user of the glass can call a remote technician, doctor, etc. while still being able to see the task that they are working on. The remote expert can communicate with the field worker via Bluetooth headset connected to mobile phone.

“ARA by Augmency” has an additional feature that will benefit the user and the remote expert, the ability to make live annotations on the display screen. Through the see-what-I-see technology, the remote expert can circle and point out the next steps for the employee. For example, if a field worker was working on a piece of machinery in a factory, the remote expert could walk them through which buttons to click next, which sensors to pay attention to, and which levers would ensure the most productive output. The remote help platform “ARA by Augmency” that comes paired with the “Cyclops HMD” glass is proving an efficient solution to working through problems and providing live training for field service employees in all industries. Look into the future with Augmency’s software and hardware solutions that will ensure increases in productivity and close the gap of having remote company experts.

What can ARA (Augmented Reality in Action) by Augmency remote assistance solution be used for?

“ARA by Augmency” has a wide range of business applications, including technical support, billing proofs and contracting issues. It is useful across a wide range of industries.Here are some augmented reality remote assistance examples from different industries:

Technical Support: 

technical support

Agents can use ARA to more quickly identify and resolve common technical issues remotely. They achieve this by visually guiding the customer through the steps. Examples include guiding customers through cleaning their washing machine filters, helping buyers unbox and install a smart security camera, troubleshooting TV error messages or cable wiring issues, or fixing Internet connectivity. Using remote assistance software ARA results in a faster and more effective call resolution, and more satisfying customer experience.

Field services:

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ARA remote assistance puts all necessary data and instructions in technicians’ hands in real-time. AR can help technicians gain immediate access to remote experts when necessary, streamline the field service process, quickly execute field repairs, or even communicate with customers. For example, they can use AR to survey a location prior to a dispatch or follow up after a visit.

Billing proofs and contracting issues: 

Documents can get confusing, with so many details and fine print. With remote assistance augmented reality, agents can share a view of a physical document. This way, they can point at and address billing inquiries, invoice clarification or contract misalignment. The technology also allows agents to confirm, record and add data to CRM systems, gather proof of identity, validate coupons, or see evidence of damaged goods prior to authorizing returns.

Who benefits from using ARA remote assistance?

AR remote assistance benefits any business providing technical customer service over the phone or in person. Here are some more details about the benefits various types of organizations will enjoy:

Customer service organizations:

Contact center agents use ARA to visually guide consumers in solving their technical problems. They provide real-time assistance and solutions as if they’re standing right next to the customer. This improves customer satisfaction, increases call center efficiency, reduces labor intensity, empowers call center agents to function as virtual technicians, and prevents unnecessary truck rolls.

Field service organizations: 

Customer service agents can send field technicians visual data from customer service agents prior to being dispatched. This enables them to plan repairs before arriving on site. Technicians can transmit video and images of technical issues from the field while consulting with an expert or supervisor, located either in the field or at headquarters. This has several benefits:

  • Boosts productivity in the field
  • Increases first-time fix rate
  • Shortens resolution time
  • Improves customer satisfaction through successful dispatches
  • Cuts technician training time while increasing expert support capacity

ARA is an abbreviation for “Augmented Reality in Action”

“ARA by Augmency” is legal trademark of Augmency Corporation.

“Cyclops HMD” is legal trademark of Augmency Corporation.